...and blue. Literally. F1 fans will see this car above instead of the usual red and white livery come 18th March when the new season flags off. Quite a turnabout for a team that used to carry the Lucky Strike cigarette brand decal.
And get this. For a pledge you can actually have your name incorporated in the artwork of the real F1 car! A brilliant opportunity at grandstanding if I may say so, never mind if you need a microscope to see your pixel-sized name on the car. I'm not sure what they do with the money you pledge though.
From their promotional website at www.myearthdream.com,

While this move may not actually change the sport in the short run, it will remind millions of TV viewers that a) the earth should look as green and blue as the livery, b) here's a team that puts the welfare of the planet above that of their team sponsors.
That bold statement, to me, is well worth the amount of sponsorships they forgo this season. I expect they will recoup some if not all of the cost of this from the increased sales of their hybrid street cars. Smart. Go Honda!
Links: Here and here.
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