Will the Autboahn, Germany's famous no-speed-limit highway, finally give up its fame by imposing a 120kmh speed limit?
That's what the German Federal Environment Agency is mulling. The reason? To help Germany meet its promise to cut Co2 emissions.
A CNN spot last night did an interesting test to see what effect slowing down would have on feul burn. They took a BMW 5-series to the speedway, sped it past 240kmh and then reduced the speed down to half. The feul consumption was then compared. True enough, at 120 kmh consumption was cut down to half.
But Germany's speed demons were not amused though, some even angry.
Read the full news here.
ooh.. that would be a pity. Yes I know, global warming and what not but I do feel the Autobahn is a great highway with it's one and only unlimited speed for the users.
Anyhoo.. it does contribute to global warming.. hehehehe
Yup but I hear that the jams at the exits are beginning to spill out to the main freeway, so one way or another the no-speed-limit days are numbered.
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